Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The New Girls are Here

Sunday morning I packed up the truck and got Lillian, my four month old baby girl, ready to go. We had a very long trip in front of us. We were going to Missouri to pick up four 2ND generation Mini Nubian does from a wonderful breeder. My husband, who doesn't care much for all the animals, thought I was crazy. He kept asking me if I thought it was worth it. I know it was very worth it.

I only stopped for fuel and to feed Lillian. This was my first time driving this long and out of state. It was draining, but we made it there and home safely. I can not say enough how glad I am to be home. I don't think I will drive that far ever again in one day.

All four of the does are wonderful. I had to unload them in the rain. It was just starting to storm. I waited after the storm to milk the older ones. They both were excellent milkers. Even the yearlings were getting on the milking stand after I was done milking.

Monday I put the girls out with my other four girls. They are all doing great together. I could not be happier with all of my goats. It was well worth the trip.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It is raining. It is pouring.

I am so grateful to finally see the sun shining. It has been raining here nonstop. We haven't even got to cut our hay yet. It is hard to work on anything outside because everything is turning in to mud. The animals are as happy as I am to see the sun this evening.

I wanted to give an update on Patriot. He had his last round of medicine last night. He is still holding his head to the side, but not doing circles as much. He is happier today than he was yesterday, because he has a new friend. I went to a friend's house and picked up a 1st generation Mini Nubian buck, Domino. Domino is my 1st generation doe's buckling from this year. I am looking forward to breeding Domino to my Nubian does for kids next Spring.

I also have good news to past on. I am going Sunday to Missouri to pick up three 2ND generation Mini Nubian does. Two of them are in milk. I am looking to having more milk to make cheese with. A few of these does will be bred to Patriot. One doe has blue eyes, but her ears need some work. She is going to be bred to Domino. Well, that is the plan right now.

Well I have to go back to starting dinner. I have one very hungry boy. He thinks he is starving. A mother's job is never done.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Patriot is doing better.

I am happy to say that Patriot is doing a lot better. He is still by myself in the barn, which he is unhappy about. For the last two days, I have gave him a Thiamine shot each morning. This morning he is still holding his head to the side, but he isn't walking around in circles. I am grateful that he is getting better. I don't know what I would of done without him. He has became a member of our family.

Another exciting thing is being planned on the farm. I am making plans on driving to Missouri to get three 2ND generation Mini Nubian does. I am excited to be adding more goats to our farm. Hopefully, they will be here in a week or so. If all plans go well, we should have lots of Mini Nubian kids running around the farm.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Things are getting better.

Patriot is doing a lot better. He has his balance back. He is still holding his head to the side. He is eating and drinking great. I hope with time he will get back to normal. He does not like being by his self in the barn. Poor Maggie, 1st generation Mini Nubian, keeps calling out to her buddy.Hopefully, they will be back together very soon.

I talked to my vet this morning. She is going to give me another medicine to give to him. I just want him to be his self again. He is such a sweet baby. I am just glad he is already getting better. I can breath a little easier.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A stressful morning

I woke up this morning and went out to care for the animals. I always feed Patriot, our Mini Nubian buck, his bottle first. I called to him and he called back to me. I saw him get up and fall back over. My heart just sank. I opened the pen gate and ran to him. I picked him up and took him to the barn stall. He drank his bottle just fine. He was just having trouble with his balance.I took his temperature. It was fine. I gave him hay and water. He started eating the hay just fine. He is up walking around the stall and calling to me.

I called the vet. She said he might have bumped his head or have the start of a illness. She got some shots ready for me at the office. I am thankful to have a wonderful vet like her. I went to the house and got the kids up and ready for go to the office.

We did a few things that we had to do in town. I came home and went straight to check on him and give him the shots. He was acting a lot better. He walking is more straight. I am praying that the medicine will kick in and heal whatever is wrong with him. I have only had him a month, but he has been a great addition to my family. I don't know what I would do without him.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I am grateful for the life I have.

As I wake up each morning to go out and feed all the animals before the children wake up, I have at times stopped and thought is it all worth it. All I can say is YES. The animals are more than just pets. They are a huge part of my life. They provide me more than I could ever provide them. They provide a healthier lifestyle for my family. They also teach my children responsibly and respect for other living things.

I have always said that animals are what made me the way I am. As a child, my mother got us animals instead of toys. I can tell you all about the animals I had. I can tell you all about the great times I had riding my beloved horse Candy. She was a great horse but most of all she was one of my best friends. I want my children you have the same friendships with their animals as I did. Because of them, I became a responible adult.

So on days when I am feeling like I just want to give up and move to the city where I have less responiblies, I stop and think about what my children will be loosing. They will loose the chance to have a childhood playing outside with as many animals they want. They would never learn how it is to love something beside anothe human being.

I love my life and would never give it up. I am grateful for a husband that working so hard for me to be able to stay home with our children. So, I can give them a childhood that they can look back on a be grateful for.