I can not believe I haven't posted since July. So many things have changed since then. We have added two milking cows to the farm. Celine is a mid-sized miniature Jersey. Annabell is an Aryshire. They are both four years old. I love having all the extra milk.
With the extra milk, I have started to learn to make more milk products. I have became a pro at making butter. Our freezer is starting to fill up. I have just staryed making kefir. Next, I want to start making more cheeses. My goal is to start making hard cheese by next spring. I am hoping to have time this winter to practice.
When I first got the cows, I feed them grain. With more reading I decided to just feed them hay. It took a week of them protesting as they got milked, but they learned that eating hay was just as good as the grain. Having the cows takes up more of my time on the farm, but I really do enjoy them. They are very sweet and loving. I can't wait until next year when I will have some calves to play with.
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