I woke up this morning and went out to care for the animals. I always feed Patriot, our Mini Nubian buck, his bottle first. I called to him and he called back to me. I saw him get up and fall back over. My heart just sank. I opened the pen gate and ran to him. I picked him up and took him to the barn stall. He drank his bottle just fine. He was just having trouble with his balance.I took his temperature. It was fine. I gave him hay and water. He started eating the hay just fine. He is up walking around the stall and calling to me.
I called the vet. She said he might have bumped his head or have the start of a illness. She got some shots ready for me at the office. I am thankful to have a wonderful vet like her. I went to the house and got the kids up and ready for go to the office.
We did a few things that we had to do in town. I came home and went straight to check on him and give him the shots. He was acting a lot better. He walking is more straight. I am praying that the medicine will kick in and heal whatever is wrong with him. I have only had him a month, but he has been a great addition to my family. I don't know what I would do without him.
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